SPCRC has 9 faculty members. Meet the people who make SPCRC a great place to work !
SPCRC has 9 faculty members. All the faculty members are highly experienced and hold great expertise in their respective field of research.
Area: Image processing, Medical image analysis, Biological vision
Area: Communication, Instrumentation and displays
Area: Next-generation wireless communication systems (5G), Internet of Things (IoT), Cognitive Radios
Area: Signal Processing, Localization and Tracking, Compressive Sensing
Area: Coding theory for high throughput system, Group Testing, Error Correcting Codes for DNA storage, Coded Caching
Area: Coding Theory, Information Theory, Signal Processing, Distributed Storage Systems
Area: Covert communication and security, Applications of machine learning in communication systems, Error correcting codes with focus on cyclic and LDPC codes.
Area: Next-generation wireless networks, Internet-of-things (IoT), Age-of-Information (AoI), Stochastic Geometry, Queueing Theory.
Area: Information-Theoretic Privacy, Machine Learning, Secure Multi-Party Computation
Area: Speech Processing in Wireless Environment, Speech Recognition, Speaker Recognition
Area: RFIC design, optical devices using ring lasers, micro/nano electronics and integrated photonics